home security systems to decrease burglaries

Features To Include In Your Home's New Security System

by Sandra Gallardo

The features that are included with your home's new security system can play a major role in determining the system's effectiveness. However, it can be easy to become overwhelmed at the variety of features and amenities that modern security systems can provide. As you are reviewing security systems for your home, you should be sure that any system you choose includes a few core functions.

Comprehensively Monitor For Unauthorized Entry

Ensuring that your security system is able to detect unauthorized entry is an important feature. Unfortunately, some individuals will fail to realize the need to monitor both the doors and the windows. Many systems will only provide this type of monitoring for the doors, which can leave your home exposed to criminals or other entering through the windows. To provide this level of protection, it will be necessary to install sensors that can detect when the windows have been opened. At a minimum, these sensors should be installed in the windows on the bottom floor.

Fire Prevention And Monitoring

Fire is another serious security threat for a building. Luckily, modern security systems are often able to provide some degree of protection for this threat. This will usually be in the form of monitoring for heat and smoke. Some systems can provide more comprehensive protection as they will have sprinklers that can activate to extinguish a fire when it is detected. Choosing a security system that is capable of providing this level of protection for your building will be more costly, but it may be the only option for protecting your loved ones and your property from the damages that can follow a major house fire.

Automatically Contact Responders

It is common for security systems to sound very loud alarms when they are activated. While these alarms can be vital for alerting those in the building to the problem as well as potentially scaring off criminals, it is also important for the first-responders to be alerted as quickly as possible. Many security systems can be configured to automatically contact first-responders in the event of an emergency. This can be vital for instances when the problems occur when you are not present to contact first-responders. Also, it can be difficult to have the time or clarity to contact these responders in the midst of an emergency. By having a system that can automatically notify emergency services, you can be sure that first-responders will be able to arrive as soon as possible to provide assistance.
